We are seeking makers and budding business owners between ages 4-14, who are interested in showcasing and selling their handmade products to winter shoppers!
When applying, pease include:
Name & age of vendor
Business name
Description of product(s) they plan to sell
Photograph(s) of product or process
Name of adult who will accompany on the day
What is the Creative Kids Winter Market?
A space for young creatives and kid-entrepreneurs to sell their hand-made products. From cookies, cupcakes, jewellery, crafts, photographs, paintings, portraits... you name it!
The market is free entry to the public, and vendors keep all profits they make from sales!
How can I get involved?
Apply to be a stall-holder by clicking the link above. Once approved, pay the $250 fee to be an official vendor
Children are responsible for the making, advertising and selling of their products (with minimal adult assistance)
The stall-holder is responsible for signage, decoration, presenting the stall in an appealing way
Further Info
This event will be held Saturday 23 December. you must be available for the whole event (9am-2pm), and attend an in-person / zoom meeting before the event (date tbc).
This event is solely for kid-made products - no adult-made items!
If you plan to sell food products, all ingredients must be labelled clearly.
Children may not sell goods on behalf of their parents.
Vendors spots are non-transferrable and no refunds will be given for any reason.
Children may sell different products in the same booth.
No dogs allowed.